The Taig Lathe Book

"The Taig Lathe" by Tony Jeffree is OUT OF STOCK

picture of "The Taig Lathe" by Tony Jeffree

The Taig Lathe
By Tony Jeffree
Pub Divisionmaster Press
ISBN 0-9543493-0-X
174 pages softcover
6 3/4" x 9 1/2"

Tony Jeffree has filled a longstanding void in the documentation of the Taig lathe with his excellent book "The Taig Lathe". This is a book which will appeal to the complete novice as well as the advanced owner.

The first seven chapters cover the basics for the beginning owner, from safety to basic use. He describes how to assemble the lathe as received in kit form, fit a motor and perform basic checks for accurate set up. There is an excellent section on the various accessories and notes for their use.

Chapters 8 through 10 cover advanced topics, from making better handcranks to dividing and threading. Tony has authored many interesting magazine articles on the Taig and they show up in these sections. For those wishing to add a leadscrew full plans are laid out, as are plans for a dividing head.

The book is illustrated throughout by black and white photographs, a appendix lists various dealers, and general suppliers. See the table of contents at the bottom of the page for an example of it's breadth.

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Table of Contents


1 Introduction

1.1 Applications
1.2 Safety

2 Assembly and mounting

2.1 Assembling the lathe
2.2 Choosing a motor
2.3 Mounting the lathe
2.4 Motor mounting techniques
2.5 Maintenance

3 Work-holding devices

3.1 The 3-jaw chuck
3.2 The 4-jaw independent chuck
3.3 The face plate
3.4 Tailstock drill chucks
3.5 Drill chuck arbor
3.6 Collets
3.7 Blank and special purpose arbors
3.8 Tailstock support

4 Cutting tools

4.1 Tool posts
4.2 HSS tool bits
4.3 Carbide tools
4.4 Replaceable tip tools
4.5 Sharpening lathe tools
4.6 Boring bars
4.7 Making a boring bar holder
4.8 Radius turner
4.9 Slitting saw
4.10 Using cutting fluid

5 Standard accessories

5.1 The lever operated drilling tailstock
5.2 Needle bearing centre
5.3 Milling slide and milling vice
5.4 Milling cutters
5.5 Compound slide
5.6 Steady rest
5.7 Riser blocks
5.8 Chuck depth stop
5.9 Grinding wheel set
5.10 Tailstock die holder
5.11 Spindle wrench
5.12 Wood-turner's face plate
5.13 Adjustable toolrest
5.14 Lathe dog

6 Using the lathe

6.1 Care of the lathe
6.2 Fitting and removing chucks
6.3 Using collets
6.4 Selecting the right cutting speed
6.5 Parallel turning
6.6 Turning between centres
6.7 Taper turning
6.8 Milling

7 Checking alignment

7.1 Spindle runout
7.2 Axial alignment
7.3 Checking axial alignment quickly
7.4 Checking axial alignment accurately
7.5 Adjusting the tailstock quickly
7.6 Checking tailstock alignment accurately

8 Enhancing the lathe

8.1 Spinning handles
8.2 Locking knobs and handles
8.3 Extending the tailstock lever
8.4 Micrometer set-over adjuster
8.5 A filing rest
8.6 Machining small screws
8.7 Handwheel adaptor
8.8 Additional chucks
8.9 A tailstock travel indicator

9 Dividing and graduating

9.1 Simple dividing operations
9.2 Graduating using the lathe
9.3 Dividing heads and rotary tables
9.4 Headstock dividing attachment
9.5 Building the dividing attachment
9.6 Modifying the headstock
9.7 The brake shoe
9.8 The pinch bolt and tommy bar
9.9 The dividing assembly mounting plate
9.10 Modifying the 20dp worm wheel
9.11 The division components
9.12 The primary worm carrier
9.13 The secondary worm assembly
9.14 The primary worm shaft
9.15 Index plate boss
9.16 The sector arms
9.17 Division plates and hole circles
9.18 The indexing arm components
9.19 Tailstock support
9.20 Putting it all together
9.21 Direct dividing setup
9.22 Simple and compound dividing setup
9.23 Simple division
9.24 Compound division
9.25 Using a protractor

10 Adding a leadscrew

10.1 Attaching the drive to the spindle
10.2 The tumbler support bracket
10.3 The tumbler assembly
10.4 The dog clutch
10.5 Fitting the clutch
10.6 The leadscrew
10.7 The split nut assembly
10.8 The "banjo" components
10.9 Fine feed set-up
10.10 Screw cutting set-up
10.11 A word on safety

Annex A Suppliers and other resources

A.1 Taig dealers
A.2 Tool suppliers
A.3 Other suppliers
A.4 Internet resources

Annex B Lathe specifications

B.1 General Specifications
B.2 Capacity
B.3 Spindle


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