Welding Fabrication and Repair: Questions & Answers

by Frank Marlow, PE

By Frank M. Marlow
Illustrated by Pamela J. Tallman
Paperback, 344 pages 7" × 10"
Publisher: Industrial Press Inc. First Edition
ISBN 0-8311-3155-1
Price: $31.95

In "Welding Fabrication and Repair: Questions and Answers", Frank Marlow has written an excellent overview of all the processes of joining metals with welding and brazing, as well as cutting and forming metals with heat. The book is written in the same format as "Machine Shop Essentials: Questions and Answers" with short questions about various processes and detailed answers. Often in the home shop we overlook the ease with which welding and associated procedures allows us to fabricate replacements for damaged parts and new components that could formerly only be made with castings. It is important to have a good grounding in the capabilities of various techniques. As with his previous book the format is one of questions and answers, such as "Why does pipe size diameter differ from the pipe's actual diameter?", "What are the most common ways to bend metal?", "Why does welding cause distortion?", What are some of the ways to design a top-mounted bearing support from welded components?" and "what causes stress concentration?". The answers are clearly written for the non-professional and after reading the book you will have a good understanding of welding, fabrication, mechanical design of welded structures and other useful subjects. The clear illustrations (over 300) show the various principles discussed in the text to great effect. Subjects such as heat bending and mechanical stress are covered in depth not usually seen in beginning welding books. He has collected various subjects that are usually discussed in specialized books and has shown how they all pertain to welding. This is a good book to read if you have any interest in fabricating and welding, especially if you need to know what can be achieved with various practices.

I have included notes about each chapter below in the table of contents. You can order the book from Metal Arts Press or Amazon.com

Table of Contents

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